The SUMO is the student organisation of HSLU DF&K.
It was founded in 2014 and has been a crucial part for the development of the university.

The SUMO is responsible for numerous projects that make the HSLU DF&K as amazing as it is today.

With the building of the Viscosistadt Campus, SUMO advocated for each floor to have an accessible kitchen for every field of study. In 2018 there were two kitchens available and since 2019 we have six open kitchens for everyone.

SUMO made the workshops be accessible every weekday and convinced the schoolboard to increase the workload of our workshop employees.

Cargo Bike
SUMO has their own Cargo bike that can be rented by the students of HSLU DF&K as an accessible and eco friendly option of transport.

SUMO has organized a Nextbike renting spot at the HSLU DF&K.

Enhanced bikestand
We now have roofs over the bikestands at HSLU DF&K.

First Year giveaways
Every year, SUMO welcomes our new students with a selected and designed giveaway.

SUMO has funded Microwaves for all students to use.

Pingpong- and Fussball-Table
SUMO has funded the Pingpong and Fussballtable for all students to use.


Taffei Filmclub
SUMO is supporting Taffei Filmclub every year to make the weekly movie night possible.

GD Canapé
SUMO has supported the students of graphic design financially for their  extracurricular design lectures.

Colabor Party
SUMO has supported the final exhibition and party for the Colabor modules.

Graduation Party
SUMO has supported the graduation party financially.